Salcon Engineering Berhad – Supply of 01No. 1500kVA 3.3MV genset & 200kVA LV Genset

Our Sri Lanka Dealer Brown & Co PLC secured another  project with Salcon Engineering Berhad, Malaysia for a project for 200kVA LV Generator set & 1500kVA MV Generator set in September 2019.

The Project is done by the Metro Colombo Urban Development Project under the patronage of government of Sri Lanka for removal of storm water for Ambathale Area.

Salcon been the main contractor of this project has carried out several water projects in Sri Lanka which were supported by Browns for the supply of generator systems.

This is the first MV generator set sold by Brown & Co and this will be the 1st Stage of this project. The 2nd stage of the project consists another 1500kVA MV generator which will be synchronized with the first generator.

After the manufacturing process the generators were scheduled to be witness tested by the client in March 2020. However due to the global crisis of the Covid19 pandemic, the testing was delayed.

Several discussions were carried out with FG WIilson Larne factory, a Virtual witness test was eventually carried out on Microsoft team meetings, allowing the client, consultant to witness the testing of the generator sets online.

Browns handled the installation works with the Room Sound Proofing of the generator room to reduce the noise level to 65dBA @ 1mtr away from generator room and successfully handed over the project in July 2021.

Brown & Co has carried out several room sound proofing projects successfully and we hope to see another successfully completed project from Browns.